IRA Contribution FAQs
With a few weeks to go before Tax Day, we often get phone calls with questions about Roth IRAs and Traditional IRAs. Read more to learn the answers to many frequently asked questions by our clients.
With a few weeks to go before Tax Day, we often get phone calls with questions about Roth IRAs and Traditional IRAs. Read more to learn the answers to many frequently asked questions by our clients.
You just wrapped up AEP. Congratulations! Did your upline provide you with all the support they promised? No? We aren’t surprised. Here’s 35 reasons why you should switch your upline to Hovis & Associates.
Start the new year off right with a little planning. It can go a long way to avoiding regrets and living your best life.
As 2018 draws to a close, Santa isn’t the only person making a list and checking it twice. Clients should keep these 5 things in mind.
With the holidays right around the corner, do you find yourself wondering where does all your money go? The Bureau of Labor Statistics knows. They released a report in September showing where the average household expenditures went in 2017. See how you compare.
Don’t make the mistake of leaving your assets to the wrong heirs. These simple suggestions can help your loved ones avoid headaches and uncomfortable conversations.
Medicare is looking out for you! Have you received a new card in the mail? If you have not you will soon. Read about how they are protecting you from fraud.
Finding ways to skim down the cost of your healthcare could be dangerous. Many people with Medicare may be eligible for the Extra Help program but don’t even know it. Are you or a family member one of them?