The team at Hovis & Associates is proud to announce that we have partnered with Brenden’s Friday Backpack for the 2015 season. This amazing charity has been helping feed children in our community since 2011 and now reaches more than 850 children in 11 school districts in the local area.

The Fight to End Childhood Hunger

More than 16 million children in the United States are not getting the food they need to live happy and healthy lives, according to That means one out of every five children across the country is going hungry right now. With numbers like that, it is easy to see why a food program like Brenden’s Friday Backpack is so important to our community.

During the school year, many children in the community receive free lunches, making sure they get at least one healthy, hot meal each day. But when they go home for the weekend, it might be a different story. Every week teachers are sending children home who are hungry and know that they might not get the food they need during the long weekend away from school. In some cases, when children are getting a meal at home, it likely is not the healthy and nutritious option they so desperately need. With the help of Brenden’s Friday Backpack, our local children are able to eat a healthy and tasty meal, even when they are away from school.

Brenden’s Friday Backpack provides children in need with a Friday Backpack that contains three meals and a snack for each day of the weekend. Because this is such a tall order, the backpack program is always looking for donations from those who are able to contribute. That’s where we come in.

1 out of 5 children across the country right now is going hungry

Changing Lives One Meal at a Time

In partnership with Brenden’s Family Backpack, Hovis & Associates will be accepting donations for the following food items from Sept.1 through Dec. 7. Here are the items Brenden’s Family Backpack has requested:

  • Single serve cereal
  • Vienna sausage
  • Ramen noodles
  • Instant macaroni and cheese
  • Cans of pasta
  • Pop-Tarts
  • Jiff On-the-Go peanut butter
  • Franks & beans
  • Pudding cups
  • Fruit cups
  • Tuna or Chicken kits
  • Kid-friendly soups
  • Fruit snacks
  • Juice
  • Cheese crackers

Collection bins are available at all three Hovis & Associates locations. Donations can be dropped off between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Help End Childhood Hunger Today

Childhood hunger is an issue that affects every community in the U.S. It threatens our children daily, which means it threatens their future. With your support, we can help do our part to end childhood hunger in our local schools one Friday Backpack at a time. For more information on how you can give back to local children in need, feel free to visit us online or simply give your local Hovis & Associates office a call today.