Client retention is one of the most important aspects of any successful Medicare business. Providing consistent client engagement, exceptional customer service, and simplifying the Medicare process will help you maintain a steady revenue stream and help build loyalty.

  1. Consistent Client Engagement. An effective way to stay engaged with your client is consistent client contact. Keeping up with clients on a regular basis and providing valuable information helps them stay informed about their Medicare benefits. A few ways to engage with your clients are monthly/quarterly newsletters, birthday and holiday cards and social media engagement.Another way to engage with your client is during the Annual Election Period (AEP). Your clients should know that you are on top of any Medicare changes for the next year and the best way to engage during AEP is to either mail or email letters to your clients, at least one month prior to the start of AEP. Doing this will update your clients on the annual election time and have them contact you for an assessment. AEP is not the only time to contact clients, make sure you are in contact with clients throughout the entire year. As always, make sure you stay compliant by adhering to Medicare marketing guidelines.
  2. Exceptional Customer Service. One of the most effective ways to retain current clients is to provide exceptional customer service. It is almost impossible to maintain a book of business without there being some issues. While problems with claims or plan documents may be out of your control, helping through these difficult situations will pay dividends. We suggest responding to the client within an appropriate amount of time and reassure them that you are doing whatever you can to make sure the issue does not arise again. It is also important to make sure you are easy to reach, this means providing multiple ways to contact you, including phone and email. If you want to keep your clients, then make sure you are providing the highest level of customer service.
  3. Make Medicare Simple. One of the best ways to retain clients is to make the Medicare process simple. When a beneficiary becomes eligible for Medicare, it can be very confusing and overwhelming. Providing convenient scheduling options, clear communication, and easy-to-use technology that simplifies the enrollment process can help retain clients, and gain referrals for new business. Keep your progress simple and consistent.

By implementing these three simple tasks, you can retain your current clients and in return gain more clients through referrals. Are you a new agent seeking information on client retention? Call one of our Agent Service Team members at (888) 613-6196. We Make the Complicated Simple!